Fragments of Time

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Fragments of Time were a progressive rock band formed in 1977. The band comprised two members of the recently disbanded Father Thyme, Alan Moon (organ) and Don Martin (bass), joined by Wellingtonian Steve Gilpin (vocals), with Phil Smart (drums) and Kevin Stanton (guitar).

Based in Hamilton, the band evolved in its line up and sound. Alan Moon was replaced by Murray Burns, while the drummer changed from Phil Smart to Steve Osbourne, and finally Richard Hodgkinson. The bands final line-up, by this time based in Wellington, debuted in 1978 as "new-wave" band Mi-sex. In the book, Have You Checked the Children, they are described as having provided the most infamous example of bandwagon-jumping, changing from long-haired progressive rockers to short heaired punky new wavers in the space of a month.

A song initially performed by Fragments of Time, Camera Kazi, appeared on the 1979 Mi-sex album Graffiti Crimes. Smart went on to form Euphoria, followed by Flight X-7.

Further Reading

  • Wade Ronald Churton 1999, Have You Checked the Children, Put Your Foot Down Publishing, Christchurch.
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