S.H.I.T (Standing Here in Total Anarchy) (Short Haired Idiots Together) were a Hamilton punk band from the early 1980s, featuring Iain MacFadyen (guitar), Tony Renouf (bass), Gary Fortune (drums) Toni Prins (Vocal). Originall members were Toni Prins Iain MacFadyen Darren Roberts Jonathan Gesthuizen. Performances included their debut gig in April 1983 with The Irritants at the St Johns Ambulance Hall, Frankton, and at Oranga on 28 September 1983 with 55 Polish Workers and The Accessories. Originals songs played included Blowfly on a Motorbike, Nazi Punks, Revenge, I Hate, and Standing Here in Total Anarchy. Also covers from The Cockney Rejects Rip it Up reported that the band had gone "underground for remodelling after violence spoiled a recent gig" in March 1984.